Looking for ways to still go on holiday but are unsure about travelling abroad?

We've put together 8 reasons to hire a campervan during lockdown!

1. No airports

If you're travelling solo then this might not apply but when travelling with children, the thought of them touching everything they see can be a daunting feeling. It's hard enough to keep on top of hand-sanitising with yourself, let alone children at an airport!

2. No uncertainty

At the moment, you are allowed to travel around the United Kingdom without any restrictions but when on holiday abroad, you might have to be quarantined when you arrive home or you might not be able to explore certain areas when you're on holiday.

3. Fully sanitised accommodation

All of our campervans are fully sanitised before going out and for your own piece of mind, you could give it an antibacterial wipe over within a few minutes and know that your accommodation for the week is definitely clean! You might not be able to say the same for hotel rooms! 

4. Freedom

You've been cooped up for months and a campervan gives you the freedom to explore the UK whether it's hiking and surfing or relaxed walks and pubs - a campervan lets you enjoy whatever you want to do with complete freedom!

5. Switch off

You've probably spent the last few months glued to your phone or TV so without a stable internet connection (depending on where you are travelling) you can switch off and really have time with your family!

6. Meet up with friends

Why don't you and your friends each hire a campervan? You can then enjoy being with them every day on holiday whilst socially-distancing the right way! 

7. Budget-friendly

We can all do with saving money at the moment which is why a campervan holiday gives you the best of both worlds. We've got some great deals on for T4 and T5 campervans so why not check out our website - www.happycampervan.co.uk

8. House on wheels

At the moment, a crowd of people deters most of us but if you are at a busy hotel, you can't really go anywhere else, can you? So with a campervan, if a campsite or area seems too busy, you can pack up and go to the next location.

Visit www.happycampervan.co.uk to book your next holiday!

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