We all feel like we've been cooped up for months on and now that the restrictions have been slightly lifted, we want to make sure that all of our customers stay safe!


In England, whilst each individual campsite decides when to re-open, they were allowed to open on the 4th of July, outdoor pools and hot tubs were allowed to open from the 11th of July and then indoor gyms, pools, hot tubs and sports facilities could open on the 25th of July. 

A few of our team members went on a campervan holiday last week to Devon and they said most of the facilities were open including the toilets/showers, cafe, and indoor and outdoor pools. The space between everyone was also sufficient so everyone felt safe! If you're wondering which campsite it was, it was Cofton Holiday Park - we've got a review coming very soon! 


  • Wear face masks when in the shops, petrol stations or cafe/restaurants until you are eating
  • Book if possible for activities or cafe reservations to help control the number of people at one place 
  • Wash your hands with provided hand gels plus bring your own just in case
  • Make sure there is distance between yourself and others - there used to be a 2-metre rule but the government has now said 1 metre
There are many ways we can protect ourselves and others so stay aware and make good choices!

The government website says this: 

"The government has set out its plan to return life to as near normal as we can, for as many people as we can, as quickly and fairly as possible in order to safeguard livelihoods, but in a way that continues to protect our communities and our NHS."

To book your own campervan holiday, visit

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