Sometimes we have all these goals at the beginning of the year, only to give up a few days in...so we've come up with 6 ways to keep your goals reachable! 

1. Don't set HUGE goals

When we set large goals it can seem like such a huge mountain that we give up before we even try. Obviously we all have bigger goals like buying a new car or saving for a house but if all we write down on our new year goals is: 'Save for a house' - it's going to be that goal which we never really feel like we're getting anywhere with. That's where tip number 2 comes in....

2. Write lists under your lists

Don't just write the big goal but write a list underneath with attainable goals to build yourself up to reaching that goal. It can include tiny tasks such as not buying a takeaway coffee once per week and switching to making a coffee at home or using a takeaway thermal mug. When you complete small tasks it gives you more motivation to carry on which then gets you closer to your goals

3. Just do it

This is a method we've heard of from a few people online which is simple yet effective. If you're naturally a procrastinator this tip is especially helpful for you. Instead of wondering when to do a task or if you should do it today, JUST DO IT. Sometimes by just starting, it gets you in the mood and you do more than you would of!

4. Don't look at other people goals

When you sit down to work out what goals you want to set, you need to consider everyone in your family and your circumstances but when you meet a friend you start doubting your own goals or ambitions. Don't do this! Everyone's circumstances are different and everyone is on their own journey. Instead of trying to keep up with the Jones', keep up with yourself and be content with what you have and are achieving

5. Celebrate your achievements!

However small your achievements you can always reward yourself without making the progress go backwards. Find a favourite chocolate bar or something that isn't expensive as a reward for completing tasks. Sometimes taking a step back and looking at what you've achieved is another way of rewarding yourself as you can sometimes get caught up with what you haven't done but when you look back you've probably done loads! 

6. Book something to look forward to

Holidays can be expensive so if you're saving for something large then this might not be the best idea but if you have a goal of losing weight for example then having a holiday to look forward to is perfect! A good budget-friendly holiday is taking a trip around the UK in a campervan - why not take a look at www.happycampervan.co.uk

What helps you keep your goals?

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